igbe religion

Igbe Religion: Dancing to the Divine

Igbe religion, often referred to simply as Igbe, is a unique and vibrant religious tradition with its roots deeply embedded in the cultural tapestry of the Urhobo people in Nigeria. Founded by Ubiecha Etarakpo in 1858, Igbe has evolved over the years, blending indigenous beliefs with external influences, particularly from Christian evangelism in the 20th century. In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating world of Igbe religion, from its origins in Kokori to its core beliefs, practices, and cultural significance.

Origins and Spread

Igbe religion traces its beginnings to the town of Kokori in Nigeria. It was in Kokori that Ubiecha Etarakpo allegedly experienced a divine encounter, setting in motion the birth of this unique religious tradition. Ubiecha’s eccentric behavior, marked by incessant dancing and miraculous acts, drew people from across the Urhobo country to Kokori.

As the religion gained prominence, it gradually spread beyond Kokori, encompassing the broader Urhobo nation and even reaching further into Nigeria. This expansion underscores the enduring appeal of Igbe’s spiritual practices and beliefs.


At the heart of Igbe religion lies a monotheistic faith in Oghene, an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent God. Igbe adherents believe that Oghene judges individuals based on their actions, rewarding both the virtuous and the wicked according to their deeds.

Dance plays a central role in Igbe worship, serving as a medium through which adherents connect with the one true God. Through their rhythmic movements, they believe they invite the divine presence into their lives.


Igbe worship sessions are a captivating blend of music, dance, and ritual. Adherents substitute hymns with native Urhobo songs, adding a distinctive cultural flavor to their religious gatherings. During these ceremonies, Igbe priests, adorned in white garments and headgear, apply native chalk on worshippers for protection.

The congregants themselves dress in white attire, with necks powdered in white, and they carry basins and small stools. When the native drums resound, they engage in spirited dances, seemingly possessed by a deity.

One of the highlights of Igbe religious life is the annual feast known as Ore Isi, celebrated for twelve days in May. Thousands of devotees gather to partake in this grand celebration, reinforcing the communal aspect of the faith.


The history of Igbe is intertwined with the life of its founder, Ubiecha Etarakpo. After his divine encounter, Ubiecha’s life took a remarkable turn. He performed miraculous acts, predicted the future, and even healed the sick. This extraordinary reputation drew people to his worship house, ‘ogua,’ in Kokori.

Following Ubiecha’s passing in 1920, divisions emerged among his descendants over the leadership of the religion. These divisions gave rise to multiple branches of Igbe, each with its own leadership structure and practices.


In the 20th century, Igbe religion encountered the influence of Christian evangelism, which led to the emergence of a distinct branch infused with Christian elements. This syncretic version observed both Christian holidays like Christmas and New Year alongside Igbe’s core festivals, gaining recognition and spreading to various states in Nigeria.


Although Igbe extends beyond Urhobo land, its core demographic remains the Urhobo people. The primary medium of communication within Igbe communities is the Urhobo language, reinforcing its deep-rooted connection with the culture of the Urhobo people.


Igbe has not been without its share of criticism. One notable critique revolves around the rejection of conventional medical treatment in favor of native chalk for healing purposes. This practice has raised concerns about the health and well-being of Igbe adherents.

Additionally, objections have been raised regarding the exclusive use of the Urhobo language during worship sessions, which some view as a barrier to wider acceptance and understanding. Lastly, some critics label Igbe as a religion of idol worship, citing practices that differ from mainstream religious norms.


Igbe religion, rooted in dance and spirituality, offers a captivating glimpse into the rich cultural and religious diversity of Nigeria. With its origins dating back to 1858 in Kokori, Igbe has endured the test of time, evolving and adapting to changing circumstances. As it continues to blend tradition with modernity, it remains a fascinating religious tradition worthy of exploration and understanding.